Jesus parachuted into the Valley of Tears to bring the war against evil to his enemies. He did not invade the Valley of Tears at the head of a powerful army (Revelation 12:7-12) armed to the teeth. He invaded the Valley of Tears alone, riding a Cross, with no weapon but love. He came to recruit an army of heroes from among the children of Adam and Eve to stand with him shoulder to shoulder, cheek to jowl, in the scrum at the line of scrimmage as comrade-in-arms fighting together in the war against evil as part of a glorious band of sisters and brothers. He invaded the Valley of Tears to bring us the technology that defeats evil (Luke 7:47). He demonstrated that the technology works by using it himself on the road from the Crucifixion to the Resurrection. He donned the jet pack and flew to show us that we, too, can fly. Love is the medicine that inoculates us against evil. Jesus took the medicine and exposed himself to the evil that we did to him to show us that the medicine works. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the medicine works. Inoculate yourself with it. Evil is a contagious disease. Don’t let evil infect you. The seeds of evil do not grow in the soil of love. Love is toxic to evil. Love smothers evil was water smothers fire.

God's Rescue Plan Boils Down to Putting Us in Intimate Contact With The Truth

God's Rescue Plan Boils Down to Putting Us in Intimate Contact With The Truth

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). Intimate contact with the truth is the means by which God is trying to save us. Illusions distort our perception of reality. Intimacy with the truth - both the sour truth and the sweet truth - shatters the illusions that distort our perception pf reality.

Jesus Violated the Prime Directive

Jesus Violated the Prime Directive

JESUS HUNG FROM HIS CROSS TO TEACH US HOW TO HANG FROM OUR CROSSES. The Son of God did not transport and demonstrate pie-in-the-sky, head-in-the-clouds technology. He transported and demonstrated down-to-earth, practical technology. We can use it today, not just tomorrow, profitably. It is relevant to this world not just to the next. Furthermore, the technology is platform agnostic. It works whether you are a Roman Catholic, other Christian, Jew, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Pagan, Atheist, Saint, Sinner or something else. It is open source technology. It is catholic in the broadest sense of the word. No religion has a monopoly over it.

What is the solution to the “bitterness” problem?

What is the solution to the “bitterness” problem?

Our solution to the problem of bitterness is different than God’s solution. We want God to remove the bitterness from the Valley of Tears or to remove us from the bitterness. God is of a different opinion (John 17:15). God wants us to dilute the bitterness of the Valley of Tears with love as sugar cubes dilute the bitterness of a cup of bad coffee. Only by loving do we fill the earth with the knowledge of God as the waters cover the sea (Isaiah 11:9) (Habakkuk 2:14).

Have you put yourself in a position where you can hear what God is saying?

Have you put yourself in a position where you can hear what God is saying?

Are you too remote from God to hear what he has to say to you? Come closer. Draw near. Put yourself in a position where you can hear God. Jesus released the good news of great joy into the Valley of Tears on the road from the Crucifixion to the Resurrection. The road from the Crucifixion to the Resurrection is the platform from which Jesus gave us a high fidelity representation of the reality of God. On the road from the Crucifixion to the Resurrection, Jesus illuminated the darkness of our understanding of God in a glorious burst of epiphany. The wise anchor their understanding of God to the dramatic demonstration of divinity that took place on the road from the Crucifixion to the Resurrection. However, we cannot hear the revelation unless we go to the road from the Crucifixion to the Resurrection and climb the tree as Zacchaeus did (Luke 19:1-10). What tree must we climb to witness the story of divinity that unfolded on the road from the Crucifixion to the Resurrection? God himself planted the tree for us to climb. The tree that we need to climb to put ourselves in position to hear the good news of great joy is the Cross (1 Corinthians 1:17). Climb the Cross. From the Cross, witness the story of divinity that unfolded on the road from the Crucifixion to the Resurrection. Testify to the truth. Save the world. In the process of saving the world, you save yourself. Don’t delay. Climb the tree. Have you climbed the Cross in the manner of Zacchaeus?

A company with the best merchandise or the best services but no customers is a failure

The Church is failing . It is losing market share. Its customers are going elsewhere. The Church has lost control of the narrative of salvation. It has dropped the ball. The story has slipped through its fingers. The Church is no longer the storyteller in chief. Fewer and fewer are listening to it. The story now belongs to others.

How did this sad state of affairs come to be?

God entrusted the Church with a blockbuster to tell. Instead of telling the blockbuster, the Church decided to tell minor stories. The Church went off on tangents. It left the main road to pursue minor roads. Its audience lost interest.

Instead of feeding us the blockbuster, our clerics are feeding us with junk food   . For the Church to regain the position of storyteller in chief, it must return to the telling of the core narrative. It must stop following red herrings down the side roads and return to the main road. The main road is the road from the Crucifixion to the Resurrection. There, Jesus did not tell us about God. He showed us God. He put on a dramatic demonstration of divinity. What does the dramatic demonstration of divinity that took place on the road from the Crucifixion to the Resurrection tell us about our God?

God wants us to dilute the Bitterness of the Valley of Tears with the Sweetness of Love

God wants us to dilute the Bitterness of the Valley of Tears with the Sweetness of Love

God wants us to pour the sweet syrup of love into the bitterness of the Valley of Tears. Our perception of the solution to our dire predicament in the Valley of Tears is different than God’s. We want him to remove the bitterness. He wants us to dilute it. There is a difference in opinions. His prevails.

We are not on the same page as God

We are not on the same page as God

Are we on the same page as God? Our perception of the problem is the same as God’s. The problem is the bitterness of the Valley of Tears. The sour truth plays rough. It bites. It chews us up and spits us out as bits and pieces. Furthermore, its tongue is as sharp as its teeth. Its tongue generates virulent anti-God propaganda. Our perception of the solution , however is different. We want God to address the bitterness of the Valley of Tears. God wants us to address it. He wants us to dilute it (John 17:15) as sugar cubes dilute the bitterness of a cup of bad coffee.. God wants us to pour the sweet syrup of love into the bitterness of the Valley of Tears. There is a difference in opinions. His prevails