Beware the Christian who is all Crucifixion and no Resurrection - who is blind to the connection between the Crucifixion and the Resurrection. Run from him. He has no understanding of God. His understanding of God is lopsided.
God revealed himself by connecting the Crucifixion to the Resurrection. Both the Crucifixion and the Resurrection are necessary for a proper understanding of God. To understand God, you must take yourself to the road from the Crucifixion to the Resurrection and witness with your own eyes the dramatic demonstration of divinity that took place there. I can only show you where to look for an understanding of God. You need to figure out the rest for yourself.
I am a witness. I testify to the truth of what took place on the road from the Crucifixion to the Resurrection. Here is my testimony: We tortured and killed Jesus. He suffered and died. He forgave us. Doesn’t this tell us all we need to know about our God?