
Rebuilding the gardens of the new Eden in the Valley of Tears

Rebuilding the gardens of the new Eden in the Valley of Tears

Whose job is it to rebuild the gardens of the new Eden here and now in the Valley of Tears? We think its God’s job. God thinks its our job. There is a difference in opinions. God’s prevails.

The Fundamental Unit of Thinking

The Fundamental Unit of Thinking

The dial that controls his love for us is in his hands not ours. Moreover, it is set to the highest degree and is locked in place. Not even the evil we did to him could budge it. The more brutal the evil that we did to him, the more wonderful is the intransigence of his love. On the road from the Crucifixion to the Resurrection, we discovered that his love for us is indestructible.

The Pillow of Calvary

The Pillow of Calvary

“Behold the nature of God” were the words the angels sang at Calvary as God was showing us His nature. Rest your head on the pillow of Calvary to sleep the sleep of the angels.The angels know God and, thanks to Calvary, we do too.