Where is the Palace of the Lord? Where is His Throne? Someone, please, show me the way.
Bread and wine, when consecrated by a priest, are the throne of the Son of God upon the earth. The throne is found in the palace of the Mass.
Reality is reliable. We can depend on the reality of his love for us. His love for us is the rock on which the wise build their lives. Whom shall we fear? Of whom shall we be afraid? Will our almighty lover ever let us down? Will he ever disappoint?
To neutralize the the serpent’s anti-God propaganda, Jesus commandeered a cross - the instrument of our woe - and repurposed it to offer us a contradiction.
Armageddon is here and now. We are not fighting for something in the hereafter. The battle is now. Now is the time to join Jesus in the scrum at the line of scrimmage in the Valley of Tears facing off against Evil toe to toe, cheek to jowl. Christianity is not a sport for spectators. Christians partake in the fray.
Where is the Palace of the Lord? Where is His Throne? Someone, please, show me the way.
Bread and wine, when consecrated by a priest, are the throne of the Son of God upon the earth. The throne is found in the palace of the Mass.