Riding on a cross - alone - without an army - with no weapons but love (1 Corinthians 1:25), Jesus invaded the Valley of Tears. Make no mistake. He did not come to evacuate us from it. Only Sister Death evacuates us from it (Canticle of the Sun) and she waits until we are ripe. Nor was his purpose to turn the Valley of Tears into a better, more hospitable place for godless people to live. God wants to turn godless people into People of God. Jesus invaded the Valley of Tears to show us the way through the evils of the Valley of Tears. He blazed a trail through it for us. He invites us to follow him through Valley of Tears on the trail that he blazed. The trail is the only shortcut through the wilderness. It is the easy way not the hard way. It is the path of least resistance. He hung from his Cross to show us how to hang from our crosses. THE TRAIL WAS BLAZED TO MITIGATE OUR DIRE PREDICAMENT IN THE VALLEY OF TEARS NOT TO AGGRAVATE IT. He mitigates our dire predicament in the same way that sugar cubes dilute the bitterness of a cup of bad coffee. We come into intimate contact with the sweet truth in the Valley of Tears when we engage in close encounters with our living and loving God at the holy places that define the escape route through the evils of the Valley of Tears.
Jesus invaded the Valley of Tears to show us the way through the evils of the Valley of Tears. He blazed a trail through it for us. He invites us to follow him through Valley of Tears on the trail that he blazed.
God established communities of love in which we can take refuge from the evils of the Valley of Tears
Fear not! The script is already written. Our immutable God will not rewrite the script. God parted the Red Sea for the Jews. God will part the Red Sea of Death for us. Rejoice and be glad.
Instead of trying to reorganize God’s thinking around our plan for ourselves, is it possible to reorganize our thinking around God’s plan for us? Can we pivot around God instead of trying to get God to pivot around us? Can we regroup and sally forth into the Valley of Tears with an understanding of what God wants us to do not what we want done?
The Valley of Tears is the vessel in which we are baptized. It is the context of our existence. It is best to understand the circumstances in which we are situated and the reasons why God lets us stew in the evils of the Valley of Tears for a lifetime like pickles in a barrel of toxic brine.