“That God was willing to do Calvary for us suggests that there is nothing that God won’t do for us.”
The Cross is the antithesis of intimidation. It is not a threat. God does not threaten us with the Cross. We threatened God with the Cross. God does not try to get even.
While we baptized the Son of God while He was human, alive, tender and vulnerable in a boiling cauldron of pain and suffering, He clung to his love for us, held tight and did not let go. The very point and purpose of the Cross was to continue to love us nonetheless even though we tortured and killed Him.
That He continued to love us nonetheless is the guarantee He gave us that His love for us is indestructible. It is the proof that the love note God delivered to us at Bethlehem is genuine. If the love note were counterfeit, God's love for us would have faded as we tortured Him and died when we killed Him. the dial that controls his love for us is in His hands not ours. Furthermore, it is set to the highest degree and is locked in place.
God could have rose from the dead pissed off. We gave Him every reason to be pissed off. The revolution that took place at Calvary was that we did not piss Him off. We did not alienate His affection for us.
If torturing and killing the Son of God while He was human, alive, tender and vulnerable, did not alienate His affection for us, nothing we do can. This is the lesson of Calvary.
His love for us is invincible.
His love for us is indestructible.
His love for us is intransigent.
How do we know? Calvary tells us so.
Calvary is the definitive representation of the nature of God. It is a self-portrait. On the canvas of Calvary in the pigments of pain and suffering, the brush of truth Himself painted a self-portrait of the indestructibility of God's love for us