Your Answer to the Question, 'Who is God?' must Yield to Jesus's Answer 

Is your answer to the question, 'Who is God?' the same as the answer that the Son of God gave to us? Do you carry around in your head a high fidelity representation of the reality of God or a low fidelity representation? Your answer to the question, 'Who is God?' must yield to Jesus's answer. It must bend the knee. Why? Only Jesus has seen and knows the Father (John 6:38-46) (Matthew 11:27) (John 8:19). We put our God to the test (Luke 4:12) (Deuteronomy 6:16). Jesus handed out the answer to the question, 'Who is God?', in the test that took place on the road from the Crucifixion to the Resurrection. The revelation is the definitive representation of God - an authentic, first-class, high quality representation of God. Its high fidelity is unmatched by the many low fidelity representations of God made by human hands (Numbers 12:8). In fact, God banned us from making representations of him in the first place because of the low fidelity of human made representations (Exodus 20:4-6) (Deuteronomy 5:7-9) (Isaiah 44:6-18) (Micah 1:7) (Hosea 13). If you did not get your representation of the reality of God directly from the hands of Jesus himself, the odds are that the picture of God that you hold in your head is inaccurate, that is, it is a low fidelity representation of the reality of God - a cheap, low quality imitation - a knockoff. A knockoff is of dubious value to you. Better no representation of the reality of God than a low fidelity representation of him.