The Only Universal Language that Survived the Tongue Twisting of Babel
Only one universal language survived the great tongue-twisting of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9), that is, the language of flesh and blood. The language of flesh and blood is our native tongue. All creatures of flesh and blood understand it. It is a simple language. It works like this. Nobody signs up to dive headfirst or, for that matter, even dip his toe into a boiling cauldron of suffering unless they are insane or something important outweighs the high cost of suffering. We understand that suffering is an exorbitant price we only willingly pay for something that is extremely dear to us. Jesus paid the exorbitant price because we are extremely dear to Him (Matthew 10:29-31) . "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:13) (John 12:24).